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Monday, July 6, 2009

fell down ;(

yesterday we went harbourfront and vivo walk walk.
then went to fetch grandma amd pa for dinner at zion road or something. idk...
we ate aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa lotttttttttttttttt of things. the fried oyster super duper ultra nice!!!!
the place raining very heavily.
then when we walking to our car that time...
my dad was asking my grandma to walk carefully..
i slipped and fell. on the stairs. bumped 2 times.
think i hurt my spinal cord. ;(
very pain.
it's the 4th time i fell on my spinal cord.
i think that explains my height...:P
everyone behind was like so shocked larh.
my stuff(hp + water bottle) flung into the air. haha.
then my sister went picking them up.
my dad walked me to the car.
in the car i got scolded for wearing slippery sandals.

next moring woke up.
didn't really sleep well cos very pain...
went to eat breakfast.
i walked like super slow. like a mah like that.
then my sister was kind of waiting for me.
and my mum too.
my mum asked me not to

12:04 PM

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


tis is tagged by alicia:
1) Besides lips , where is your favourite spot to get kissed ? Cheeks
2) How do you feel when you woke up this morning ? fine. excited. ;)
3) Who was the last person you talked with ? mummy.
4) Would you consider yourself spoiled ? quite...no, my sister
5) Would you donate blood ? no, i am too young! and scared.
6) Have you ever had a best friend who is opposite sex ? not really. good friend.
7) Do you want someone dead? No!!!
8) What does the last message says ? laughs, you so cute from yizhen.
9) What are you thinking right now ? answers for the questions...
10) Do you wish someone with you right now ? ya, some friends.
11) What time you went to bed last night ? 11.30 pm
12) Is someone in your mind ? no.
13) Who was the last person you texted ? yizhen
14) 10 people tagged to do quiz .(in random order)
1. eerong
2. yunxian
3. huimin
4. isdiyanah
5. jin jin
6. weiyi
7. jacintha
8. brenda
9. adeline
10. sherine
15) Who is 2 having relationship with ? (yunxian) i don't no.
16) Is 3 male or female ? (huimin) female
17) If 7 & 6 get together , would it be a good thing ? (weiyi and jacintha) they don't no each other and they won't want to be lesbos.
18) What is 1 studying about ? (eerong) sec 2 things
19) When was the last time you chatted with 5 ? (jin jin) quite a few days ago
20) Is 4 single ? (isdiyanah)i think so
21) Say something about 2 ? (yunxian) kind-hearted?
22) What do you think of 3 & 6 being together ? (huimin and weiyi) they don no each other
23) What do you think if 6 & 7 fight ? (weiyi and jacintha) they DUNNO EACH OTHER!!!
24) Do you like 3 ? (huimin) as a friend
1. Last beverage: sprite.
2. Last phone call: home
3. Last text message: yizhen
4. Last song you listened to: 'lucky' by britney spears.
5. Last time you cried: forgot
6. Dated someone twice: no
7. Been cheated on: no
8. Kissed someone & regretted it: no
9. Lost someone special: no
10. Been depressed: yes
11. Been drunk and threw up: i dun drink.
12. white
13. baby blue
14. baby pink
15. Made a new friend: ya
16. Laughed until you cried: no, jux got crazy
17. Met someone who changed you: not really
18. Found out who your true friends were: probably
19. Found out someone was talking about you: dont no
20. How many kids do you want to have ? i am like 14 only
21.Do you have any pets? all dead
22. Do you want to change your name ? i LOVE my name...
23. What did you do for your last birthday ? forgot.
24. What time did you wake up today ? 5.55am
25.What were you doing at midnight last night ? sleeping
26. Name something you CANNOT wait for: H.I.P.
27. Last time you saw your Mother: now!
28. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life ? everyone to be smart and TALL
29. What are you listening to right now ? nothing
30. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom ? no
31. What's getting on your nerves right now: doing this quiz
32. Most visited webpage: my blog and facebook
33. Whats your real name? rebecca tan
34. Nicknames: joker, minmin, rebina, banana
35. Relationship Status: single
36. Zodiac sign: pig
37. Male or female ?female
38. Elementary ? corporation Primary School
39. Middle School ? clementi town secondary sch
40. High school/college ? too young
41. Hair colour: black and brown with some gold strends...
42. Long or short: considered short
43. What do you like about yourself ? laughing like crazy women
44. Piercings:yes! it hurts..a little
45. Tattoos: NO WAY!!!!!!!
46. Righty or lefty: lefty ;)
47. First surgery: no
48. First piercing: yes
49. First best friend(s): alicia tan ;)
50. First sport you joined: badminton(cca)
51. First vacation: hong kong. FUN! p2 onli.
52. First pair of trainers: no.
53. Eating: ya
54. Drinking: water
55. I'm about to: nothing. a day past
56. Listening to: NOTHING!
57. Waiting on: pocket money..maybe.
58. Want kids ?: yes
59. Get Married ?: yes
60. Career ? doctor
61. Lips or eyes ? Both.
62. Hugs or kisses ? Both.
63. Shorter or taller ? taller
64. Older or Younger ? younger
65. Romantic or spontaneous ? romantic
66. Nice stomach or nice arms ? nice stomach
67. Sensitive or loud ? sensitive
68. Hook-up or relationship ? Relationship.
69. Trouble maker or hesitant ? hesitant
70. Kissed a stranger ? no
71. Drank hard liquor ? no
72.lost glasses/contacts? i dont wear specs...
74.Broken someone's heart ? maybe
75. Been arrested ? no.
76. Turned someone down ? no
77. Yourself ? yes
78. Miracles ? yes
79. Love at first sight ? yes
80. Heaven ? yes
81. Santa Claus ? no
82. Angels ? yes
83. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time ? DONT HAV ANY. pls...
84. Did you sing today ? ya
85.Ever cheated on somebody ? No
86. If you could go back in time, how far would you go ? p1!!
87. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be ? christmas
post this as:
9o. truths? like duh.
90. Love yourself ? quite.
parents scolding. bye!

8:09 PM

Friday, June 12, 2009

long time no blog

ah, long time nvr blog le. updating what i done in the holidays ;)
it's my birthday!!! ;)
but in the morning, i had to go to school for stupid cca.
cca ends at 4p.m.
reached home at abt 5.30p.m. :(
then we went to imm to eat.
we went to spagetti too to eat. VERY VERY VERY VERY nice. (u shld try)
then went to walk walk then go home.
sister was having fever from 31st may so she needs to go home.
therefore we went home.
went out with ee rong to watch movie.
we eat lunch at pepper lunch at jp2. ;)
very nice.
got to cook beef MYSELF at last.
i cook until very hard. lol. ^_^
then we walked around.
after that we went to watch monsters vs aliens. yay! yay! yay! quite long nvr watch movie le.
movie was niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.................but it was not 3D cos i tot all is 3D but go in then found out not 3D...:(
cos we nvr buy the 3D one. i think 3D one very very nice lor

i love B.O.B from the movie. he's so funny ;)
yay!!!!! my sister recovered from her super long fever.
waiting for 13.06.09 to come ;) ;) ;) cos we are going overseas. to malaysia only larh. haha

8:15 PM

Monday, May 18, 2009

"sad day"

today's a sad day.
i got my test papers back.
i only got like 39/50 for the maths paper 2 and maths paper 2 so many ppl got 49.
mahts paper 1 is the more difficult paper.
must get like 36/50 to get an A1 for maths. if i don't get A1 for maths, my dad sure v. angry one. :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
i got 77 for chinese which is only a boardeline A1.
getting english, lit, maths 1, science and geog tmr.
wish me good luck.
today brenda told me that 6ppl failed lit and the highest is only 37.5/50. like so low.
went to drink bubble tea with liyun and eerong. actually ee rong and me did not buy bubble tea.
then liyun walked home and eerong and me went to jurong point to decorate a cake for her dad's birthday.
after finishing decorating the cake, she wanted to take a picture of it. i got so excited i went to spin the thing. the cake flew off and landed on the table. hahahahahahahahahahaha. i took the cake from the table and it's like soooooooooooooooooooooo disfigured. haha. we laughed like siao. everybody like looking at us. then we went home. SORRY EERONG. haha.

5:39 PM

Sunday, April 12, 2009


aft sch, went to macdonalds with ee rong and brenda!
then went to city vibe-reason being: they want buy things.
then went home.
abt 6.30pm, took tricia's car and went to Chevrons with huilin, baoyi and my sis for my sis's friend birthday.
when we reached there, we did not no how to go to their chalet.
asked the information counter person.
we gav the birthday girl-CLARICE-her present.
ate our dinner, then played water bomb and other games.
ate birthday cake.
the birthday cake was so damn BIG!
ok...went home.

went to Marina barrage to exchange a gift.
then went to eat lunch @ suntec.
after that, went to suntec to walkwalk.
bought yizhen's birthday present. :)
cos her birthday was like on the saturday.
then ate dinner at dunno whr but the food there very nice.
then my dad brought us to west mall.
went to the HELLO shop.
my dad got a free phone cos got one year plan that means every one year can get new phone.
dad gav sis the phone cos she don hav a phone.
haix. now she has the newer phone then me.
then some more she does not want to lend me her phone.
got pissed off.
told my dad.
dad DID NOT scold her. :(


got a lot of home work to do, and a test too! so, byebye!

4:26 PM

Monday, March 23, 2009


today is the start of a new term- term2!!!
when i go back school i see a lot of ppl so tall *opps-or maybe i am too short* but they got grow lor. so tall. *sadden*
nothing so special to say.
still very bored.
oh, attention all 2A1 ppl, tmr got geog test!
i go study le.

5:43 PM

Sunday, March 15, 2009


long time no post.
so many things to do in the holiday.
got holiday like no holiday like that, still need do hw, still got test, also have to go back school. haix.
i am boredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredbored

3:51 PM

Friday, January 16, 2009

i hope i can get well soon.

13th January 09:

today got the enrichment period and they are toking abt the camp tomorrow.
they told us our grouping.
i was grouped with all those that i dont no except for 2 guys. haix
they say that there is a night trail tomorrow and they will tell us scary stories abt the st john's island. sound so exciting.
i went back home and pack my things for tomorrow's camp.

14th January 09:

got to sch. Brenda was not there. so sad. she is sick. how i wish she can come...
went up the bussssss. then ee pin, boon chong, al and cal-vins and wan jie sang dont no wad sick-ish song. preverts- especially b.c.
reached marina south.
went up to take the ferry to st john's island.
eden and me sat at the 3rd lvl. wow. wind was very strong. niceeeeeee......
reached st john's island in abt 10 mins?
then went to clear up our bunk.
after that we proceed to play some ice-breaking games.
the ice-breaking games were very boring.
then ate our lunch.
we started playing some fun but no really very fun games.
the group ones played teasure hunt while the group twos played tele-match.
play play play... finally finished all the stations. got back to the cage to report to mr tan.
then there were two groups reporting.
my group and ee pin's group.
ee pin tot that they were 1st so he said:'' you go home sleep larh. ''
but unfortunately, he lost. haha. O.B
we were 1st. happy happy :)
then we go play tele-match.
when we were playing the tele-match, Jeremy wanted to pee but the toilet got no doors so Zachary went to help him cover. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. funny.
after that, went to have our dinner.
after dinner, mr tan told us some scary stories abt st jonh's island.
then we went for the night trail.
girls are to go two together while the boys are to go one by one.
while me n my partner were walking past the bushes, ppl came to scare us. i knew they will do tat so i was not scared but my partner keep on yelling.
then we went down the stairs. suddenly i dropped into a hole beside the stairs.
so unlucky. when i got up, my right hand cant move and i got some scratches.
walk, walk, walk.
then suddenly no one came to scare us. i knew we went the wrong path.
then we just anyhow walk back.
saw some teachers. i heaved a sigh of relieve.
blah blah blah.
then tomorow i went home.
went to see the doctor.
the doctor say my hand fractured.
need like 4 to 6 weeks to recover.

12:51 PM

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Happy Birthday!


today is my dad's birthday. we wanted to buy lunch for him butt he refused to. nvm. mayb next time.
well,well,well, new year's coming. hope everyone will hav a brand new and good start for a new year.
k, i am going now. buh bye! :}

rebecca was here!!!

4:29 PM

Monday, December 8, 2008


i am totally back. :}
updating my -dead- blog.

the reason why: i did not update my blog cos i kind of don no wad to post. hahax. and i don really hav the time to update my blog.

erm...todae is my dad and mum anniversary, oso the malay hari raya hargi???
ya, we went to west coast to hav my lunch with my dad, mum and my sister.
then after that, we went to the new opened west coast plaza.
the place was quite nice larh. we went there to shopshop and look for the christmas present for my cousins cos we having christmas dinner @ my cousin's house. she hav a baby boy? and me and my sis are aunts already?????????? -shocked!-
then buy some things and went home.

yesterday we went to marine parade there, the parkway parade there to shop-shop.
then there a lot to shop. saw DORA The Explora there. dancing and taking photo. then we went to the time-zone to play while my mum went to Isetan to shop.
my sis went to play the scoope-scoope thingy. then she only spent less then $10 and she strick JACKPOT!!!!!! we were like soooooooooooooooooooo super uper shock larh. cos my sis so lucky, strick checker on the jackpot. nvm...i don think you all will understand.
and my dad help me to throw my double-decker away so that i will hav more space to put all my things.
hahax. then went to packpack lor.
thats all for now, byebye!

-rebecca was here!

8:32 PM