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Sunday, April 12, 2009


aft sch, went to macdonalds with ee rong and brenda!
then went to city vibe-reason being: they want buy things.
then went home.
abt 6.30pm, took tricia's car and went to Chevrons with huilin, baoyi and my sis for my sis's friend birthday.
when we reached there, we did not no how to go to their chalet.
asked the information counter person.
we gav the birthday girl-CLARICE-her present.
ate our dinner, then played water bomb and other games.
ate birthday cake.
the birthday cake was so damn BIG!
ok...went home.

went to Marina barrage to exchange a gift.
then went to eat lunch @ suntec.
after that, went to suntec to walkwalk.
bought yizhen's birthday present. :)
cos her birthday was like on the saturday.
then ate dinner at dunno whr but the food there very nice.
then my dad brought us to west mall.
went to the HELLO shop.
my dad got a free phone cos got one year plan that means every one year can get new phone.
dad gav sis the phone cos she don hav a phone.
haix. now she has the newer phone then me.
then some more she does not want to lend me her phone.
got pissed off.
told my dad.
dad DID NOT scold her. :(


got a lot of home work to do, and a test too! so, byebye!

4:26 PM