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Friday, November 21, 2008


its such a BORING day everyday at home.
i hav nothing to do but to download things, watch tv and E-A-T! haha.
yesterday i woke up very early, abt 5.30 or something like that just becoz of the run thingy and i am the first aiders but i don no wad to do actually.
saw adeline running. (-adeline, nice pose after the run. jk! jk!)
then we saw like no one fainted or sick so we proceed to the new sch.
the band was there.
finally saw hui min ;)
i called huimin but she seemed like she don no hu i am. (i think cos i cut my hair.)
the sch was like so small. (just a triangle with a whole in it.)
then mr. tan say we need to sing the 1st sch song, national song and take the pledge there.
i think it was so lame. but nvm.
then we can go home!!!! HAHA. and huimin had a break so we went the the coffee shop to hav our breakfast.
then eden saw me with my S-H-O-R-T hair.
aft tat, i went home.
then i went to KFC for lunch.
i ate breast meat. muahahaha!
went to jurong east and bought a pair of sports shoe for the camps.
i love the shape of the shoeeeeeee.
haha, i no i am lame but i really love the shape of the shoe.
its not tat i like the shape so i bought the shoe, cos its the sports shoe that i think the teachers agree us to wear. HA-HA-HA-HA.
then, my family went to west mall to shop-shop and see wad else to buy for us.
then when we reach home, it was already 8.30pm so we sat down and slack for a while then watch the aids show. i think very nice.

12:07 PM

Monday, November 10, 2008


came here to post something. lol
today was a rainy day.
i went to BLK276 to buy my lunch.
then the rain started.
luckily i brought my jacket with mi.
then when i was walking home, i looked @ my watch and found out that it was 1.35 liao.
my sister is going to out of her sch so i decided to wait outside the school.
she did not bring umbrella too. :P
then i waited for very long and i couldn't see her coming out so i decided to go home.
when i went home, my dad called and said that she went to her friend's house to hav her lunch with her.
it was such a boring dae.

attention to all P6 pupils from C.P.S ! ! !

pls note that we will be having a gathering at west coast on the 1st December, 4.30p.m. with mrs kwek, ms ng and probably ms siah
those who are interested to go, pls contact yixin or zhuang ying.
we will be having a BBQ there.
pls get to them by tomorrow!!!!
do bring some cash if you are going.

7:34 PM

Sunday, November 9, 2008


i hav changed my blogskin today!
a brand new blogskin.

i went to jurong point to watch movie with isdiyanah, her little sister, yixin, beng lee and jieren.
we went to watch Sing To The Dawn!!!
it was quite fun.
actually, we wanted to watch THE COFFIN but some of us are very scared so we went to watch sing to the dawn.
then, i went to buy the popcorn.
and isdiyanah went to buy mentos for her sister.
then after we watch the movie, isdiyanah's sister wanted to go TOYR'US so we went to shopshop there. then to kiddy-palace.
after that, abt 4 something, i went to eat my late lunch at KFC.
then i went to my grandma's house cos i am going to stay there for two days.
i went down at tiong baru and to my greatgreat surprise, i saw brenda wearing the sch pe shirt.
then i asked her why and she say that she came back from chior.
we walk the same way. then, breda asked mi to accompamy her to her dad's shop and i declined cos my grandma was waiting for mi.
i slept there with my sis for a night cos my sister tomorrow no sch.

i was at my grandma's house.
then left for lunch at abt 1 something.
we went to jurong point there to eat KFC.
then i went to buy a new pencil case.
after that, my grandma, my sis and i went to take a bus back home.
my grandma stayed for a while at our house and she went home after that.

it was a boring day...lol
i went to sch for CCA.

thats all for now! byebye!

1:33 PM

Saturday, November 8, 2008


1. The person who passed mi this stupid quiz?
2. Your relationship wif her?
good friend. :D
3. Your expression of her?
very good. i think.
4. The most memorable tat she had done to you is?
i think i forgot. hehex
5. The most memorable thing tat she had say to you is?
don no. ily??? i think.
6. If she become your lover, you will?
i am not a les. haha
7. If she become your lover, things tat he need to improve on?
i will say AGAIN, i am not a les
8. If she become your enemy, you will?
i don think so. we are good friends wor. lols
9. If she become your enemy, the reason will be?
i don really no. XD
10. The most desired thing you wan to for her is?
11. Your overall impression of her?
very good!
2. How do you think people around you feel for you?
ask de people around me lor. how i noe wad they feel wor?
13. The character i love about myself?
I don really love myself but still. i love the cheerful character. i tink?
14. On the contrary, what are the character i hate about myself?
I don hate myself -.-
15. The most ideal person you wan be?
myself lor
16. The person who love, care and concern about you, what do you wan to say to them?
Thanks a lot! ily!
17. Pass this quiz to 10 people that you wan to know what they tink of you, they are?
1. alicia
2. jinjin(i no you do le, but still can do again. i think)
3. wei yi(but you don hav a blog)
4. pei xuan(but you don hav a blog too)
5. huimin
6. adeline
7. ee rong
8. yun xian
9. julian?
18. Who is No.6 ( adeline ) having relationship wif?
how i noe.
19. No.9 (julian) is a female or male?
male la
20. If No.7 & 8 ( eerong and yun xian ) is together will it be a good thing?
lesbian??? O.o
21. What is No.3 (weiyi) studying about?
how i noe?
22. When was the last time you speak to No.3 (weiyi)?
er...quite some time ago but not very long.
23. What kind of music No.8 ( yunxian ) like?
not sure...
24. Does No.1 (alicia) have any siblings?
25. Will you woo No.3 (wei yi)?
im not les la!
26. How abot No. 7 ( eerong )?
27. Is No.4 (pei xuan) single?
O.o ask her urself la!
28. What is the surname of No.5 (huimin)?
29. What is the hobby of No.10 (yixin)?
30. Does No.5 & 9 (huimin and julian) get well?
er they don noe each other la
31. Where is No.2 (jinjin) study at?
jurong secondary?
32. Tok sth about No.1 (alicia)
very very very very nice. she is my best friend!!! she is cute and pretty.
33. Have you tired developing feeling wif No.6 (adeline)?
er...weird ques!
34. Where does No.9 (julian) live at?
near my house. opposite my house.
35. What colour did No.4 (peixuan) like?
er not sure leh..psps arh
36. Are No.1 & 5 (alicia and huimin) good friend?
they don noe each other
37. Is No. 7 (ee rong) the sexiest person in the world???
O.o (i don wan answer)
38. Wat is No.6 (adeline) doing now?
playin com i think? hehe. BLOGGING OR PLAYIN AUDITION


9:32 PM

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

liyun's house

today sherine, jia xuan and i went to liyun's house to do the H.I.P project.
the hamsters has grown bigger and fatter.
the dog was very active.
actually, was blogging a little!!! hehe
tat's all.
i am so tired now.

rebcca was here!!! lols

5:42 PM

Sunday, November 2, 2008

i'm back!

i went to buy the secondary 2 books on the 31st oct.
unfortunately, some books are not here yet. haix.
after that, my dad bought my lunch for mi and my sister.
then i went to hav a hair cut at boon lay.
cut till cant tie le but quite ok.
then went to chat with weiyi and rong fang.
played scissors, paper, stone with R.F and won some times. it was quite a lame game.
played reversi with R.F too. and i won! yeah!

went to IMM yesterday.
bought some things and went home.
boring day.


3:34 PM